Dogs are not just dogs, they're family

Dogs are not just dogs, they're family

Do you sometimes find yourself explaining to other people that your dog is more than just a dog? Have you ever had someone ask you why you're so invested in your dog? 

Our bond with our dog is indeed hard to put into words. Others won't understand how we feel unless they have a companion like ours. It's special.

Having a dog is not for everybody– we get it. But there's something about reading, hearing or simply knowing that somebody else gets what we feel. Someone who understands our unconditional love for our dog. 

Recently, we asked hoomans to share their pet stories and one shared her heartening story.

Meet furmom Marielle and her pawmily!

Munchkin is a 10 month old Shih Tzu. We got him when he was still two months old last March 2022. We decided to get a puppy after our one-year wedding anniversary. We want to have one before we have babies.
After a month of taking care of Munchkin, we got pregnant!
We believe that he is our lucky charm and really helped us relieving stress. He is definitely a big blessing to us! He is matakaw, malambing, loves to play ball, gets excited with squeaky toys, and lakwachero!
We love him so much. He brings light to our life.

Truly, our furbabies are more than just a pet, they are our family!

They offer us not just companionship, but unconditional love, emotional support, beautiful bond, and extra cuteness! Being a pet owner bring so much joy and love. We know that some of you would agree that we actually don’t just consider the unique bond that we have as “pet ownership”, but like “parenting”, right?

They give us meaningful connection that brings new meaning and purpose to our lives.

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